Message from Councilwoman Ann O'Brien
I’m going to keep this message short and sweet for everyone!
I want to wish you all and your families a happy Thanksgiving! I hope you’re spending the holiday with family or friends, and whether you go out for dinner or stay in and cook, that you are surrounding yourself with warm foods and great desserts!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Desert Horizon Precinct’s Turkey Collection this year. While I’m still awaiting final counts from them, I’m told we did exceptionally well with donations this year!
I’ll be spending my Thanksgiving Holiday with my daughter and family at their home. I’m incredibly blessed to have my entire family within walking distance or a short drive away – it makes for carting over side dishes before they get too cold super easy! I have no doubt my mother is beyond elated that my daughter moved into our community as she has taken over the Thanksgiving hosting reins from my mother!
As a reminder, I will be hosting our next Community Breakfast on December 2nd at the DoubleTree Hotel in Metrocenter. Check in will begin at 7:30am with the meeting starting at 8:00am. This month our guest speaker is Phoenix City Manager, Jeff Barton. Jeff has been serving as City Manager for just about a year now. I look forward to hearing updates from him about his plans to ensure the services we provide continue, and how we all maintain our quality of life. He will also share some details as it relates to the budget and General Operating (GO) Bond processes. Jeff served as the Budget Director for the City prior to becoming the Assistant City Manager. I can think of no better person to be at the helm than someone who understands a budget, especially the City of Phoenix budget! You won’t want to miss this meeting!
Once again, I hope you all are enjoying your Thanksgiving holiday, and I will see you all next Friday, December 2nd!
All my best,
Councilwoman, District 1