Heat Safety
As the temperatures rise this season, if you hike, do it right! Be aware of the difference of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Drink lots of water, wear sunblock and a hat to protect you from the elements.
The City of Phoenix sponsors many cooling and hydration stations for the community to seek respite. For a full listing of locations across the city and county, please visit: Heat Relief Network.
Preserve Park Stewards Volunteer Program
Volunteer as a Park Steward to promote stewardship and conservation. The Park Stewards wear many different hats in this volunteer role, whether that’s trail work, hike patrol, greenhouse attendant or bike patrol. With opportunities throughout the week at the preserves in all areas of Phoenix, get outdoors and find your passion while maintaining your city’s trails.
Visit Parks Stewards Volunteer Portal to complete an online application today!
Library Summer Teen Volunteer Opportunity
Phoenix Public Library needs spirited teens (ages 12-17) to volunteer with the annual Summer Reading program. This is a great opportunity to learn valuable customer service skills and being a Library Volunteer looks great on your resume. Plus, you’ll have fun working with other teens inspiring young children to become better readers.
For more information, visit: Summer teens volunteers.
AmeriCorps Summer VISTA Position
As heat related deaths and temperatures rise, the City of Phoenix is expanding their efforts in the We’re Cool Heat Relief Initiative outreach, especially amongst our most vulnerable populations. Through a partnership with the Cities of Service, the City of Phoenix is seeking to fill three AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Associate positions starting June 6 through second week of August 2022.
To learn more about this position, please visitMyAmeriCorps.
Heat Relief Outreach Volunteer Opportunity
City of Phoenix’s Volunteer PHX and HeatReady PHX programs are gearing up for another hot summer, with two volunteer outreach programs. All community members are invited to join our efforts as a We’re Cool or Cool Caller Heat Relief Volunteers and help keep our neighbors safe this summer.
For more information please contact: Volunteer PHX Office, at volunteer@phoenix.gov